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Second Life Mobile App - Developer Update (April 2024)
Second Life Mobile App - Developer Update (April 2024) Athayus Quan 21 Views • 10 months ago

The Second Life app brings the richness of the Second Life virtual world to your Android or iOS mobile device.

Qualifying Premium Plus members can apply for the Private Alpha. If you are Premium Plus, you can learn more at:
Not Premium Plus? Upgrade today at

Once we are through the alpha and beta testing phases, Second Life Mobile will be accessible to all users.

Tune in to Second Life's Lab Gab for an exclusive look at even more exciting updates for April 2024!

#secondlife #secondlifemobile #lindenlab #metaverse #secondlife2024

Second Life University - How to Create PBR Materials
Second Life University - How to Create PBR Materials Athayus Quan 32 Views • 2 years ago

Second Life University is a project that aims to teach people all about the vast virtual world of Second Life. Watch Boston Blaisdale as he shows you how to create PBR Materials!Topics covered in this video: 0:00 - Intro0:06 - Info about PBR Materials1:09 - Log into the Second Life Beta grid to test PBR Materials. Visit the Accessing Aditi support page for more information on how to log into the Beta grid: - Modelling furniture in Blender - 2:27 - Working in Adobe Substance Painter - - Applying textures from Adobe Substance Painter4:01 - Exporting textures from Adoble Substance Painter5:04 - Importing model into Second Life6:18 - Uploading PBR material textures into Second Life8:00 - Applying PBR materials to the model8:36 - Fixing transparency in the material8:59 - Applying material and changing alpha mode to blend for a glass effect9:43 - Modifying properties of a PBR material using the “Edit PBR Material” menu10:35 - Searching the Second Life Marketplace for items that are modifiable11:20 - Explaining and building reflection probes13:01 - Physically Based Rendering Wiki: 13:40 - Download the latest GLTF PBR Materials Viewer (just released 05/16/23) and teleport to the Rumpus Room region on the Beta grid to test out Materials - Video Production by @BostonB SLU PlayList: Life Blog: Life Public Calendar: Life on Social Media: #secondlife #lindenlab #virtualworld #metaverse #bostonblaisdale #pbr #pbrmaterials #physicallybasedrendering