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Made in Second Life: The Movie

8 بازدیدها • 09/07/23
اشتراک گذاری
جاسازی کنید
Athayus Quan
Athayus Quan

“Made in SL: The Movie” is a special long-form documentary to celebrate the occasion of Second Life's 20th anniversary.Filmmaker and Linden Lab contractor @Draxtor Despres initially planned to produce a 10-minute short film, stringing together birthday wishes from as many Residents and Lindens as possible within that length.After an initial casting call, 17 Second Life Residents came forward, along with founder Philip Rosedale, as well as QA Engineer Mazidox Linden.

Mr. Despres spent 3 months reviewing some 2 TB of personal archival material, searched the web for rare SL footage, and shot brand new footage around the grid.After the first round of interviews, the 10-minute short ballooned to 120 minutes on paper and eventually became a 47-minute film, a very personal love letter to a world that fosters community and creativity like no other.Among many past Second Life Residents visible in historical footage and b-roll, the narrative of the film is based on interviews with the following people:Amber LyndhurstAnjelikkaArietu KyoriBen DunnBollycoco DallasChantal HarveyChuu Hikari AkamineFeorie FrimonKatheryn LlewellynMarianne McCannMazidox LindenMichely BloggerMoon AdamantMystic FlowerPearl HyacinthPeasant TaterPhilip Linden/RosedaleStreex FoxtrotMade in SL logo and poster art by Marianne McCannEnjoy a tribute to your world and to YOUR imagination.

Can you spot Peter Gabriel, William Gibson, and Ben and Jerry’s Island?#lindenlab #secondlife #virtualworld #metaverse #sl20b #draxtor #madeinsecondlife #madeinsl

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